Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 10

How far along:  10 weeks! – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Kumquat

Milestones: Baby bear is able to use his/her hands to feel his/her face and the tip of his/her nose is forming along with a sense of smell! It's amazing how quickly things are rolling along at this point. I read that after this week, little baby bear will start growing 1/2 an inch every week!

Best Moment This Week: This week definitely had some ups and downs. I told some of my extended family the news at Thanksgiving, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to enjoy very much of the foods I usually love due to morning sickness! Everyone was very ecstatic about the news and now that the cat's out of the bag, everything feels more real than ever.

What I’m Looking Forward To: I'm about to enter week 11, and everyone keeps telling me that the morning sickness will start dissipating soon. I feel like it was the worst it's been this week, so here's to hoping that was the last hurrah! I'm looking forward to being about to get back to eating healthier and exercising. My food aversions and fatigue have made my plan of having a more active, healthy pregnancy a little difficult... but I'm doing what I can!

What I Miss The Most: Being able to eat things without getting sick or having to research if it's safe. I was not aware of the many many food limitations and that listeria is lurking in EVERYTHING lol. I try to take everything with a grain of salt and just follow my OB's recommendations, but it's hard not to do a quick search about the foods I'm not sure of.... but every time I do this, of course half the internet says the food in question is deathly poisonous to a developing baby. All I can do is use my best judgement and hope everything turns out okay!

Symptoms: So much nausea and still having severe food aversions to meat (gag) and certain veggies. My bloating has gotten to the point where I look like I must be much farther along... can't wait until there's a real baby belly to replace this awkward in-between state. Having occasional twinges and sometimes if I move too fast or the wrong way, I get a lot of pain, kind of like a pulled muscle.

Cravings: All the things that are TERRIBLE for my gastritis! Pizza (especially pizza bagels), anything with red sauce, and chocolate. Luckily, some of the cravings have been more soothing to my stomach like sticky rice and sweet yeasty rolls, but still, my stomach is taking a lot of damage between the increased acid and occasional vomiting. Thank goodness for Gaviscon.