Monday, September 3, 2018

3 Months Old

Age: Twelve Weeks

Approximate height and weight: 22 inches, 12 lbs., 2 oz.

Milestones: I don't know where to begin! Buddy Bear's development feels like it's flying by. Some highlights from the last four weeks include:
  • More vocalizing, repeating sounds like "oooooouuu" especially when you talk to him
  • Learning cause and effect (understanding that if he presses his toy piano key, it will light up and make sound)
  • Rolling over more consistently, mostly from tummy to back but occasionally from back to tummy
  • Better head and neck control during tummy time, including being able to look from side to side
  • Discovering his fingers and regularly sucking on them
  • Grasping objects and more rigorously batting dangling toys
  • Laughing ❤
  • Recognizing favorite toys and books and getting excited about them
  • Sticking out his pointer finger (not sure if he understands what he's doing, but I show him things by pointing at them all of the time, so maybe...)
  • Maintaining head and neck control when pulled up by his arms into a supported sitting position

He's also becoming more and more enthusiastic about visiting new places and taking walks outside. With his improving vision and ability to see more colors, he's enjoying discovering the world around him.

Likes: Ehren's favorite activities include hitting the keys on his piano toy, watching mommy and daddy animate his toys and action figures, looking at flowers and leaves, gazing at lamps, taking baths, working on rolling over and sitting up, listening to me talk about the animals in his "On the Farm" book, looking out the window, and being carried around at stores (the view isn't very good from his stroller).

Dislikes: It's getting a little harder to keep Ehren entertained since he gets tired of the same old activities (me too). I try to keep things fresh by mixing different toys together and learning new games. He's still fairly easy-going unless there's a delay in his feeding - then come the screams of rage.

His two month shots happened a few weeks ago, and as you can probably imagine, he was not a big fan. He handled swallowing the rotovirus vaccine pretty well but completely lost it when he got the shots in his legs. I cried at the sight of him being in so much pain. After we managed to calm him down, I thought we were through the worst of his reaction... but we were wrong. A few hours later, he started wailing in pain again and there's nothing I could do to console him. Leif was able to get him to quiet down for a few minutes at a time by holding him in a way that took the pressure off of his sore leg, but it wasn't sustainable. About an hour and a half passed before I broke down and called the 24/7 nurse who recommended giving him a little Tylenol and that thankfully worked almost immediately. At least we'll know what to do next time, but I think BB's days of liking his doctor's visits will soon be coming to an end.

Memory: Even though the two month shot experience was pretty traumatic for all involved, it was pretty funny seeing Ehren taste the cherry Tylenol. His eyes got super wide and it looked like the flavor about blew his mind. If he's anything like his parents, he'll have a huge sweet tooth. It was also pretty great seeing him learn to play his piano toy. I had been placing his hand on the keys each day and thought it would be a while before he could do it himself, but surprisingly one day, he reached out and started playing! The best thing is that I could tell he was really proud of himself.

Mom and Dad: Ehren is sleeping more and more and our sanity is slowly being restored lol. We're very fortunate that most days, he'll sleep from about 1 to 10 a.m. and takes periodic short naps. I know this may change with sleep regressions but for now, we're grateful. Now that Ehren is more engaged with his surroundings, it's more fun to do family outings to the library and Target. Leif likes showing Ehren all of the toys and even bought Ehren his first Transformer.