Wednesday, December 5, 2018

6 Months Old

Age: 6 months

Approximate height and weight: 26.5 in., 15 lbs., 15.5 oz.

Milestones: Where to begin! He is such a little character and his personality continues to evolve every day. These are some of the major things he's been doing/accomplished:
  • Becoming EVEN MORE vocal (mostly screaming at the top of his lungs for fun at all hours of the night... we think he might be trying to sing haha). He also babbles a bunch, making 1-2 syllable sounds with his favorite being "uh-uh" when he doesn't like something!
  • Pulling himself into a wobbly sitting position, then graduating to being an unsupported sitter over the course of a few days.
  • Seeming to understanding his name, along with "cat," "Mommy," "book," and "Daddy."
  • Attempting to pull himself up to stand.
  • Awkwardly crawling a couple feet here and there.
  • Making huge strides in his dexterity being able to pick up and hold most objects that fit in his hands with a good amount of control.
  • Gaining a deeper appreciation for books, his favorite still being "Uni the Unicorn," but "Noisy Baby Animals" comes in at a close second!
  • Using his crib as a little training dojo where he performs daring gymnastic feats and enjoys throwing himself backwards to bounce on the mattress (with the unfortunate couple of cases of whacking his head on the bars).
  • Entertaining himself for longer periods of time since he can move short distances to access the toys he wants and spend time slapping his lap like he's about to play patty-cake.
  • Developing a sense of humor... much like my own. He likes to do silly things on purpose like grabbing his pants after I've taken them off to change him and chewing on them all while eyeing me with an excited little grin waiting for my reaction.

Likes: Ehren loves playing with all of his toys (especially the ones that make a lot of noise), sitting up and nearly crawling, listening to upbeat music, attempting to pet the cats (and them running away), using all objects as drumsticks and the world as his drum, and hearing then trying to replicate goofy sounds.

Dislikes: Going out in public (he'd much rather be at home playing with his toys), going to bed early (we're gently trying to sleep train him, but he fights it!), car seats and any other things that limit his movement, being fed by anyone besides Mommy, and this cold weather!

Memory: I hope his relationship with our cats is always so sweet. Whenever he sees them, he gives them the most adoring smile. Desperately, he tries calling them over by yelling and slapping his lap, but they understandably don't go for that... He also gets super excited when looking at pictures of cats - being a cat person must be genetic! Lol

We also got a noise complaint from our neighbors down below due to "pounding on the floor at all hours of the night." Well, it's more incentive to get him to sleep earlier and when he's kicking or tumbling up a storm after 10 p.m., he has to do it in his crib. I explained the situation to the leasing office and they said they will try to work with us... only my Buddy Bear!!

Mommy and Daddy: Leif is always so proud of BB and likes to "play video games" side-by-side with him (Ehren holding his toy controller and Leif on his Gameboy). BB being a six-month-old is bittersweet for me. While I'm so excited to see him grow, I'm already mourning the newborn stage a little (even as difficult as it was). This is all going too fast!

Quirks I don't want to forget: 
  • Whenever Ehren starts getting really hungry, he gets the hiccups.
  • Sometimes when we lie down to nurse, he gets so excited that he smiles huge and kicks his legs on the ground twice.