Friday, April 12, 2019

10 Months Old

Age: 10 months

  • Standing independently for minutes at a time
  • Getting new teeth in... he now has 5!
  • Walking!! His record is about 5-6 steps at a time. I'm impressed by how steady he is on his feet generally. 
  • Lowering himself to the ground as opposed to simply dropping onto his bottom.
  • Pointing as of yesterday. He deliberately pointed at Bumblebee to draw my attention to her and pointed out several more things when we were at the store last night.
  • Make more sophisticated sounds by combining syllables like "ya-da-ga," etc.
  • Regularly saying "da-da," ba-ba," and more and more often, "ma-ma."
  • Correctly playing with stacking rings, putting blocks in holes, rolling balls down ramps, and flipping through books with more dexterity.
  • Eating more table foods with greater expertise, his favorites so far being eggplant, lentils, rice, and pancakes (he still likes to spit a lot of it out and play with it too, of course...).
  • Curiosity about everything and interest in tinkering with objects to understand how they work.
Likes: Eagerly exploring new environments, working on his new walking skills, taking apart (and trying his best to reassemble) his toys, lounging with a book in hand, trying all kinds of table foods, riding in the shopping cart, and playing at the playground. 

Dislikes: He isn't a huge fan of slimy foods, mostly because it's hard for him to feed himself. Sudden, loud noises, the vacuum, having to wait in the car seat too long, and diaper changes are not his favorites either!

Memory: Leif and BB have gotten into the habit of watching an episode of Power Rangers most evenings and it's been a great bonding experience for them. Ehren loves the opening song and Leif got him some Power Rangers action figures for them to play with together. He also got him a little toy plane that can be dissembled with a mini power drill, so they work on "repairing" it together.

Mommy and Daddy: Since BB is getting older and more enthusiastic about going out, it's been fun taking him on longer trips like going to Coralridge Mall. And now that we are set to move into our condo next month, it seems like everything is falling into place. I'm so excited for BB to have his own room and to have a bigger kitchen to bake cookies together and make other memories in.