Size of Baby: Zesty zucchini (6 inches, 8.5 ounces)
Milestones: BB's development is moving right along! His or her legs are almost proportionate to his or her body and BB is starting become covered in a waxy coating called vernix caseosa, which keeps his or her skin moist and will assist him or her with gliding down the birth canal when the time comes. 😲 BB's lips are developed and he or she is sprouting little hairs on his or her head! By the time I write my next blog post, I won't have to use "he/she, him/her, or hers/his" anymore... that is, unless he or she is being modest during the ultrasound and they can't tell the sex!
Best Moment This Week: Harder, more pronounced kicks that are all over my belly, and knowing I only have a little while longer to go until the big ultrasound! It's kind of nerve-wracking, but hopefully everything looks good. I can tell Leif is getting excited too since he has been rubbing my belly and talking to BB a lot more, so it will be great to have a better visual of what's going on inside my bump. My coworker said that it's pretty normal nowadays for the OB to use 3D ultrasound technology, so we may be able to see a really detailed image if that's the case.
Symptoms: This week's new weird symptom is back pain. I don't have a very good back and the pregnancy is putting a lot of strain on it. I keep getting a stabbing pain right in the middle of my spine at the bend and sometimes it radiates off to the side. My doctor said it sounds muscular and should resolve itself soon. It's been getting a little better every day, but I doubt this will be the last of it. However, it has caused me to reevaluate my posture, shoes, sleeping position, and anything else that might be contributing to the pain. These changes seem to help helping.
Cravings: Sweets! Last night, all I wanted was an apple pie, which is funny because I don't normally like it that much. We splurged a little and got one from the New Pioneer Co-op and it was AMAZING. I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of it tonight. Been eating more baked goods, but trying to do so in moderation. I usually strive to balance out the junk food with veggies and protein, but some days that's easier than others. As always, just doing my best!
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