Saturday, March 24, 2018

Week 27

How far along: 27 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Bunch of bananas (15 inches long, over 2 pounds)

Milestones: BB's brain is developing rapidly at this point, and it's beginning to send more signals to the rest of his body. He is now opening and shutting his eyes regularly, dreaming, and coughing. Regulating his own body temperature and controlling his lungs are a couple other skills he's working on at this time!

Best Moment This Week: Feeling BB flipping around and more defined body parts poking through has been very surreal. He seems to like to poke out his head (or bottom?) whenever I touch my belly, which is really cute and makes me wish I could just hold him in my arms. There were a couple days when he wasn't moving as much and I started getting worried, but I had to remind myself that he might be facing a direction that makes it harder to feel kicks or he's just resting. Thankfully, the last few days he's been more active than ever!

What I’m Looking Forward To: My 28 week ultrasound is this Wednesday! So excited to see how everything is looking and to get some more pictures. I can't believe I'm so far along that the 20 week ultrasound pictures are now outdated. I'll find out if my placenta has moved... so we'll see what happens! If it hasn't, based on some research I did, they'll probably do one more ultrasound around 32 weeks and then decide the course of action. I'm at peace with it going either way - I'm just grateful that they're aware of the situation and providing BB and me with the best care they can.

What I Miss The Most: Each day, it takes more and more effort to find comfortable positions to sit and rest in, but at least I'm still sleeping decently and don't have to do a lot of strenuous tasks.

Symptoms: The rib pain is still persistent. BB has selected my far right side as his lounge and loves kicking the area. I get really sore after sitting at work all day and have to recline in specific positions to take the pressure off the area at night. Most people I've talked to said they had bad side pain as well and one of the only things that helps is stretching. I'll mention it to my OB next week to see if she has any other ideas to keep it from getting worse. I've also been waking up pretty sweaty, which I read is usually due to hormone fluctuations.  

Cravings: Getting enough calcium has been a challenge for me throughout the entire pregnancy since my vitamin doesn't have much and I don't eat a lot of dairy because of my stomach. BB is taking a stand because I've been having intense cravings for cow's milk, so I've been drinking more than I have in a long time. Luckily, my acid reflux hasn't been too severe in reaction!

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