Size of Baby: Florida pomelo (18 inches, 4 pounds)
Milestones: BB is sucking his thumb, sprouting hair, and continuing to make his way into birthing position. At this stage, most babies suck their thumbs so much that if it comes out, he or she starts scrambling to find it again lol. He has a full set of fingernails and toenails and is still practicing breathing and coordinated movements.
Best Moment This Week: It never gets old hearing sweet BB's heartbeat! It was in the 140s at my 32 week appointment and his growth is still right on target! My OB was happy with my ability to control my gestational diabetes with diet and exercise so far and BB and I had an overall good report! I lost a little weight after starting my new diet, so I was glad to see I gained a couple pounds back.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Now that I have a good feel for all the baby clothes we have, I just need to pick up a few more summer and fall items, which will be fun to shop for. This weekend will be very busy with our Birth and Labor class for five hours on Saturday and getting the crib and baby corner set up on Sunday, but it'll feel good to have everything finally done!
Symptoms: I was pretty worried about BB earlier this week because he had another couple of "lazy days" where he wasn't moving as much without me waking him up. My OB said this is okay as long as I'm still able to feel ten movements in two hours during kick counts. However, today, he's been back to his energetic self, so that's a relief. I'm surprised I haven't had any back pain or many stomach issues despite my growing size, so hopefully that continues! Between the number of daily walks I take and my healthier diet, I've been feeling great!
Cravings: Since developing gastritis, I haven't touched many citrus fruits, but the other day, I had a couple Halo oranges and they were AMAZING! I had a little acid reflux afterward, but nothing too bad, so I might continue eating them in moderation. Still continuing with the cheese and Triscuits, fruit, almond butter and brown bread, and the occasional burger! Once BB is born and my blood sugar goes back to normal (hopefully), I will be having that ice cream cone!
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