Sunday, July 8, 2018

1 Month Old

Age: Four weeks

Approximate height and weight: 20 inches, 8 lbs., 1 oz.

Milestones: Ehren has hit the ground running in terms of achieving milestones. Right after he was born, he could already lift his head for up to 30 seconds and was great at making eye contact. One of the nurses even commented that they'd never seen a stronger newborn lol. He is showing strong reflexes and is a definite wiggle worm. At this point, he still can't see very far and his vision is black and white, but it's improving every day. During tummy time, he manages to flip himself over and hits/kicks objects that you dangle in front of him. He makes a lot of noises from grunting to puppy-like barks, and grabs my hair and shirt when I hold him. One of the best things has been seeing all of the little faces he's learning to make. Whenever something interests him, he purses his lips and looks genuinely astonished. He's managed a few smiles and has the most heartbreakingly-cute pouty face.

Likes: When he's in the mood for it, Ehren LOVES tummy time. Many times, he works on his army crawl and inches around, does the cobra pose, and even planks once in a while. He also enjoys going to the "art gallery" a.k.a. looking at all of the photos and magnets on our fridge. Leif and I read to him a lot and it's hit or miss if he's engaged in the illustrations or not. Lights, shadows, curtains flowing, dangling objects, and fans fascinate him, and his favorite place to be is asleep on mommy or daddy's chest.

Dislikes: Ehren is a pretty relaxed baby if all of his basic needs are met, however, once he gets hungry, he is very impatient and full of rage. We've taken him out for a few walks, but he's not a big fan of being strapped into his car seat. Now that he's over 8 pounds, we can begin using our baby carrier, so hopefully, he'll like going outside more after that. He's warming up to his playmat and swing, but he still doesn't last very long in them. He's come a long way sleeping in his bassinet, but still prefers sleeping next to one of us on the couch or being held.

Memory: There haven't been many episodes of being peed or pooped on so far, but the few incidents we have had were extreme. Leif and I have both experienced the projectile "missile launch" poops that sprayed at least a foot. I managed to dodge the blast when it happened to me, but poor Leif was blasted all over his shirt.

Mom and Dad: Leif and I are absolutely in love with our little guy. The last few weeks have been a major adjustment period, but despite the sleep deprivation, stress, and complete lifestyle change, we're very happy and seeing Ehren happy and content makes it all worth it.

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