Thursday, November 8, 2018

5 Months Old

Age: Twenty one weeks

Approximate height and weight: 25.5 inches, 15 lbs.

Milestones: BB continues to make huge strides in his development. Like the little athlete his is, he's been training very hard to crawl and sit up. Each day, he is able to push himself further up into sitting position and has mastered getting up onto his hands and knees. Sometimes he rocks on his hands and knees or digs one of his feet into the ground, but he still can't quite coordinate the movements to crawl. Seeing how much he's progressed since last month, I'm going to predict that we'll have a sitter and possibly a crawler by Christmastime! He seems to go through phases with his other new skills. One week, he was sticking out his tongue every five seconds, the next, he was screeching for fun, and now he has learned that he can communicate that he doesn't like something by saying "uh-uh." His "stranger danger" sense is getting more pronounced and he gets panicky when surrounded by a lot of people or being held too long by someone besides Mommy and Daddy. I know "stranger danger" is natural, but Leif and I are still going to make a point of getting him out more for socialization. It appears that he's responding to his name and has a reaction when I say "daddy" or "cat." When he turns six months, I'm hoping to teach him some sign language. I've already started occasionally using the signs for mommy, daddy, and milk, but he's still a little young to really register what I'm doing.

Likes: Lately, Ehren is fond of compulsively getting into crawling position, trying to push himself up to sit, gazing at mirrors, monitoring what our cats are up to 😺, drooling all over everything, playing with toys that crinkle, being read to, grabbing his feet, and getting tickled.

Dislikes: The little guy hates that he still can't crawl yet, but when he's determined to get somewhere, he does a combination of scooting and rolling to accomplish the task. I set up a few different play stations to switch between throughout the day and he typically doesn't like staying at one for more than 20 minutes tops. It's been easier to predict when he'll want to eat, so thankfully we don't have as many meltdowns over that anymore. He gets pretty bummed whenever we put him in the car seat since he hates being constrained and isn't a huge fan of going out. He ends up looking depressed most of the time and wishes he could be back in his play area moving around.

Memory: BB was chewing on this toy plane we got him and we didn't think much of it since it's a big hunk of plastic, but unfortunately, the slightly rough texture nicked his upper gums and started bleeding a lot. Ehren didn't cry or seem to notice, but it was scary for us seeing blood smeared all over his mouth and the wet rag we used to put pressure on it. It was hard keeping his hands away from the injury and from chewing on anything else, but luckily he was hungry and fell asleep after eating and gave it a chance to heal.

Mom and Dad: Leif and I's love for BB continues to grow every day and it's fun seeing the different personality traits of ours emerge in him. We're starting to get into a groove balancing family time, work, and all of our other obligations but it always feels like there are never enough hours in the day!

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