Wednesday, January 9, 2019

7 Months Old

Age: 7 months

Approximate height and weight: 16.5 lbs, 27 in. 

Milestones: Where has the time gone?! I feel like my little baby is becoming more and more like a toddler each day. Here are some of the highlights of late:
  • CRAWLING the day he officially turned 6 months-old. The first week or so, he was really wobbly and belly flopped a number of times, but after that, he was a pro. Until we expanded the baby fence to encompass the entire play area, I spent half of my time diverting him from going EVERYWHERE he wasn't supposed to be haha.
  • Pulling himself up higher and higher, preferring to use the baby fence, his activity cube, US, and his jumper to brace himself. Leif said the first time BB fell from pulling himself up, he looked truly shocked by the impact... before proceeding to cry and getting lots of kisses on the head from Daddy.
  • Breaking his first two teeth (the bottom middle ones)
  • Enjoying his first solids! He was fairly indifferent about oatmeal but had a strong opinion about the green veggies we tried the following week... he did not find them tasty and went to the length of trying to claw the food off of his tongue with his fingers. However, after trying them several more times and diluting them a little with some oatmeal, he didn't think they were so bad. It was instant love with sweet potatoes and avocados, though! Right from the start, he did an admirable job of trying to feed himself with the spoon, but he still needs some practice lol. The sippy cup wasn't so natural for him. He'll tilt his head back to drink, but doesn't understand how to lift the cup high enough to get the milk, so we help him out with that.
  • Consistently saying "ma ma ma ma ma ma" when he's distressed and needs me. I haven't heard it when he's happy yet. I swear I've heard "da da da da" when he wants to play and is looking for Daddy!
  • Kneeling and then leaping forward like a pouncing cat.

Likes: Crawling everywhere like a baby on a mission, pulling himself up on everything, splashing in the bath, being read to and helping turn the pages, roaring like a dinosaur, crawling up mountains of blankets and pillows, playing peekaboo, strolling around the store in the big boy seat of the shopping cart, and spilling milk all over himself while practicing using a sippy cup.

Dislikes: He's warming up to going out and about, as long as he gets to sit in the shopping cart or crawl around where ever we're at! As much fun as he has climbing and crawling, it comes at a price when he falls on his face or bonks his head... thankfully, he gets over it quickly. He's not a big fan of bedtime, especially since we've been trying to implement a stricter schedule... it's a work in progress. Now that he can move around so well, it's a struggle getting him dressed, much like wrangling a lion. Half of the time, he gets impatient or I end up having to dress him while he's sitting up.

Memory: BB is appreciating his playtime with Daddy more and more, and he gets super excited whenever he sees him. Whenever Leif makes funny noises, BB goes crazy over it and he loves inspecting Leif's badge picture when he's home from work to "authenticate" that it's really him haha.

Mommy and Daddy: Things are going more smoothly now that BB is falling into a more regular routine. We're still very sleep deprived since the little guy likes to wake up every 1-4 hours to eat, but I'll never complain about holding and comforting him. We're getting more excited about everything we'll get to do as a family when the weather warms up and BB is walking like visiting the zoo and having picnics in the park.

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