Saturday, December 2, 2017

Week 11

How far along:  11 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Brussel sprout

Milestones: I was stunned to see how much Baby Bear's appearance has changed since last week. His or her features and limbs are developing so fast and his or her organs are functioning. BB is even starting to practice breathing by sucking in amniotic fluid. 😲

Best Moment This Week: I use the Ovia pregnancy app to get weekly updates on the size, appearance, and milestones of BB, so seeing that information first thing Monday mornings is always one of the highlights of the week. I'm also starting to experience less morning sickness, so I can stomach a little bit more meat than usual (only specific types, of course...). I feel like I'm getting some of my strength back and doing a better job taking in all of the nutrients I need.

What I’m Looking Forward To: I have my 12 week appointment this Wednesday, and I can't remember if they're doing another ultrasound yet or just using the doppler to check the heart rate. Either way, I'll enjoy getting a little insight on how BB is doing! I can't believe I'm almost 1/3 of the way there. At first, it felt like the weeks were slowly creeping by, but now time is picking up and June will be here before I know it!

What I Miss The Most: It's been difficult not to worry about BB all the time! I feel like I've had some bad luck between taking a tumble (doctor checked the heart rate and everything was okay thankfully) and having a bad head cold the last few days, but I have to keep reminding myself that babies in utero are pretty resilient. I already had anxiety before being pregnant, but worrying for two really tests my limits sometimes! I think the hardest thing has been just accepting that not everything is going to go as planned and there is so much outside my control. I just have to keep doing my best and stay positive!

Symptoms: Still having occasional nausea, but it's starting to let up a little. The fatigue also hasn't been nearly as bad... at least during the day. By the time 7 p.m. rolls around, I'm usually ready to conk out... and then I wake up every few hours... but at least I'm getting enough sleep overall. I've had the head cold symptoms on top of everything, but today, it feels like they're going away too. Hopefully, I'll be doing a lot better in general by next week.

Cravings: Giving into all of the cravings that aren't good for my gastritis ended up backfiring... which I should have known would happen. I ended up having a lot of stomach pain and almost needed to start taking Prilosec again, which I've been trying to avoid, so I did everything I could to heal the damage. Lots of yogurt, oatmeal, and other bland foods helped a lot, so now I'm finally getting back to normal. My biggest, most consistent craving has been sticky rice with rice vinegar. I've also been liking vanilla frozen yogurt, sesame chicken, peanut butter crackers, popcorn, and pasta with butter and parmesan cheese. Yum.

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