Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week 12

How far along:  12 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: APRICOT! 👶

Milestones: My baby bear is growing up so fast lol! I couldn't believe the size and appearance difference between last week and this week. The limbs are getting long and all of BB's facial features are defined. As of this week, pretty much all of the important organs are formed, so now it's just be a matter of everything growing. The placenta has also developed, lessening my hormonal load, which is one of the reasons why some of my most severe early pregnancy symptoms are decreasing (thankfully!).

Best Moment This Week: It was definitely my 12 week appointment where Leif and I got to hear the heart beat together! I already got to hear it on week 10 after my fall to make sure everything was okay, but it was so much more magical to experience it together. My OB (who I love) said that all of my labs looked great and everything is on track. I set up my 16 and 20 week appointments and can't wait for the 20 week one where I get to have the anatomy ultrasound. We plan on finding out the sex, so I'll have to think of a creative way to share the news with you all!

What I’m Looking Forward To: Being at the end of the first trimester, I'm hopeful that it will be smoother sailing from here. Everyone keeps telling me that the second trimester is the best since you tend to get some energy back and the happy pregnancy hormones are continuing to rise. I know second trimester will have its own unique challenges, but at least it means that I'm that much closer to meeting our little BB!

What I Miss The Most: I can't say that there's much that I'm missing this week that I haven't mentioned before. I suppose the most inconvenient thing has been not being able to lift very much weight. Early on, I caught myself lifting some objects that were probably too heavy, and now I try to be more conscientious. I've seen a lot of different opinions about what the maximum weight should be... anywhere from 20-50+ pounds, but it's hard to know what's actually safe! At work, we're doing our holiday donation drive so there's been a lot of need to transport heavy presents. Normally, I am always one of the first people to help, but the most I've done this time is unload some wrapping paper rolls... My coworkers are very understanding and even when I say I can lift a little more, they discourage me, so I guess I'm not going to argue with them...

Symptoms: I'm happy to say that the nausea, food aversions, and vomiting are starting to go away! I still feel sick a few times a day, mostly when I haven't eaten for a while, but it's infinitely better than it was. I was happy to be able to eat a chicken sandwich yesterday, which would have made me hurl just to think about a few weeks ago. The biggest thing now is the intense fatigue. I'm so tired during the day, it's usually hard to get through work, so by the time I get home and have dinner, I'm ready to pass out. 😫 I've been going to bed around 7:30-8 p.m. and usually wake up at 4 or 5 a.m... then I'm tired again by the time we're supposed to get up for work. It's hard to win! I've also been dealing with a lot of heartburn. Massive heartburn. My OB wouldn't okay Prilosec, but she did say I could take Prevacid, so I'll be on that for a while until the heartburn gets more under control.

Cravings: Still dealing with my gastritis, so I have to be careful what I eat and sadly can't give in to my every craving! I've been really into this black bean vegetable soup from Amy's with a piece of Hawaiian bread toast. I could also still go for some sticky rice with rice vinegar anytime! Additionally, sweet potato fries, popcorn, and peanut butter crackers have been hits with BB.

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