Sunday, February 18, 2018

Week 22

How far along:  22 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Corn on the cob (12 inches, one pound)

Milestones: Little BB is not so little anymore, he just hit a foot in length and weighs a whole pound! I remember when he was just the size of a blueberry. All of that growing contributes to him sleeping 12-16 hours a day. BB's inner ear is developing, and his sense of hearing continues to improve each day. I read that due to his ability to hear better, he may start reacting to sound stimuli more than he used to. I had a sneaking suspicion that this was the case because whenever Leif and I play video games, I think he goes crazy from the music!

Best Moment This Week: Leif and I have made more progress planning for the future and will be able to take care of a lot of our medical bills with our tax refund, so that's a relief! We've also been doing a lot better about cutting frivolous purchases and finding ways to lower ours bills, so the baby fund is coming along slowly but surely! 

What I’m Looking Forward To: Along with financial planning, we also have a lot of organization to do as well! I'm looking forward to changing up the layout of our room a little to fit the baby essentials. We already have a couple decorations, but will probably keep it pretty simple for now. I'm planning on creating a little diagram of the room layout changes and will have Leif help me with moving things. We also need to make space for baby bottles and utensils in our kitchen. 

What I Miss The Most: I've been waking up a lot more throughout the night and find it hard to fall back asleep sometimes, but luckily I was able to catch up on some sleep this weekend. Unfortunately, I had an incident last week where I was so tired at work that I made some errors on a grant I was working on. Thankfully, my supervisor is very understanding, but I still feel bad that I dropped the ball.

Symptoms: Boy, has BB been kicking hard! His kicking episodes are still on about the same schedule, but I've noticed him starting to become especially active in the evening. Some of his kicks are even making my belly sort of tender and I can see it ripple sometimes. And... he seems to have a liking for bouncing on my bladder.

Cravings: Still eating a fair amount of peanut butter cookies, but I'm also back on peanut butter crackers. My coworker made a cheesecake with BB and me in mind and he definitely approved with a cluster of jabs!

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