Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week 23

How far along: 23 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Bunch of grapes (Little over a foot tall, 1 1/4 pounds)

Milestones: BB's lungs are developing and he continues to put on fat (can't wait to see those little chubby cheeks!). He is very aware of my movements now and is getting used to outside sounds.

Best Moment This Week: I had a very busy week, but was happy to make it though everything in one piece! We held a fundraising luncheon at work on Thursday and I had to be on my feet a lot, but I can say it went a lot better than Waypoint Wonderland. The only downfall was that I got pretty dehydrated since there weren't refills on the beverages, so my kidneys were a little tender the next day. On the other hand, the dessert served was a pineapple upside-down cake, so at least I got to enjoy that! I got a lot of comments on my belly from coworkers at the event - most of them were astonished to see how much I've popped. The dress I was wearing accentuated my roundness and I had just eaten, so BB was definitely sticking out a lot more!

What I’m Looking Forward To: Tomorrow is my 24 week appointment, so I'll get to hear little BB's heartbeat again. I'll also get measurements taken, but otherwise, it sounds like it will be a quick visit this time. At my last GP appointment on Feb. 14th, I saw that I've gained about eight pounds, so it will be interesting to see how much has changed after another two weeks.  

What I Miss The Most: It's been getting harder to hug Leif properly with BB between us, but at the same time, it makes for a sweet little family hug. I can't say there's much I miss at this point since I've pretty well used to all of the lifestyle changes I've had to make.

Symptoms: BB is still kicking away, some days more than others, but I've noticed him traveling around my belly way more than usual. I've also had some intense round ligament pain and side stitches, but at least they away when I rest. My nose is still giving me trouble, especially at night, but my doctor said that chronic congestion is common during pregnancy. I also noticed that my belly button is shrinking! I've always been a deep innie, so at this point it's quite shallow and I'm curious if it will eventually go outie.

Cravings: Sugar, sugar, sugar! Doing my best to limit my intake, but still eating an average of 1-2 desserts a day. I was having some salivary gland pain, which I get from time to time, and my doctor recommended sucking on lemon drops to clear up any saliva that's backed up. Little did I know how much I love lemon drops until I found myself downing way more than I needed for medical reasons lol. Been enjoying teriyaki chicken, burgers, cookies of course, and hummus with pita bread, but pretty much anything goes down smooth nowadays!

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