Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week 13

How far along:  13 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Hot pepper 😲

Milestones: Baby bear is getting stronger every day! At this point, he or she has reflexes, so if you push on the uterus, the baby will try to move away. The movements in general are also getting more pronounced, and they say some people can feel twinges or flutters at this point called "quickening." There were a few times when I swear I felt something, but I'm not sure if it was just a muscle twitch. It will be nice when I start feeling more defined movements (although I'm a little worried they'll keep me up at night!).

Best Moment This Week: Now that more of my coworkers know I'm pregnant, it's been fun getting asked questions and people complimenting my little bump. Also, Leif's been doing this for a while, but it's always heartwarming when he rubs my belly and says "I love you" to Baby Bear whenever he leaves to go somewhere.

What I’m Looking Forward To: I'm anxiously awaiting my 16 week appointment the first week of January. I'll get to hear Baby Bear's heart beat again and it sounds like my OB will start measuring my belly (I think I also might be getting the glucose screening test... so not looking forward to that so much lol).

What I Miss The Most: The last several days, I've really been mourning the foods I'm not supposed to eat. All I want is a delicious salmon and avocado roll or a Jimmy John's sandwich that doesn't have to be heated up first! I'm also getting to the point where my jeans barely fit, so I'm reluctantly exploring pants with elastic waistbands, although I haven't been able to find very many flattering styles that aren't ridiculously expensive. Luckily, I have a couple pairs of leggings to get me through for now.

Symptoms: I still have a little nausea in the morning or when I've gone too long without eating, but it's been manageable. I've barely had any heartburn since I started taking Prevacid, and I'm hoping that once I'm done with this round of treatment, my stomach lining will have healed enough to not need to take anymore antacids for a while. Fatigue is still my number one symptom right now, followed by a quickly growing appetite! The Waypoint Wonderland holiday gift distribution was last Thursday, and I have to say that was one of the most exhausting days I've experienced so far. I was stationed at the front desk and had to let clients and volunteers in and out of the building. The last few months, I've become pretty out of shape so I was already tuckered after a couple hours of getting up every few minutes. The event lasts until late into the evening, but thankfully, my supervisor had mercy on me and let me go home a couple hours early.

Cravings: I've (or should I say BB has) been loving french toast, Annie's aged cheddar macaroni and cheese, apples, and cheesy popcorn. And sweet treats of almost any kind! I actually had to make an "emergency" cookie run while I was at work because I couldn't stop thinking about desserts. My coworkers appreciated it since I was willing to share lol.

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