Saturday, December 23, 2017

Week 14

How far along:  14 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Beet (about 3.5 inches) 💝

Milestones: Baby Bear is on the move! His or her movements are getting more pronounced every day! I've been feel consistent twitches in the middle of my lower abdomen, so I'm starting to think they are BB saying "hello!" I know most people don't feel anything until 19-25 weeks, especially with the first pregnancy, but I'm pretty in-tune with my body, so it's very possible it's the real deal! This week, BB is picking up all sorts of cool tricks like squinting, frowning, and sucking his or her thumb. Also, his or her weight has DOUBLED in the last week and he or she will continue putting on ounces as fat gets added to his or her little frame. 

Best Moment This Week: Definitely the more pronounced (potential) movements. At this point, it's not as distracting as I thought it would be... but that probably won't last once he or she begins with the kung fu fighting in there! Another highlight was receiving some gifts for BB from family and coworkers for the holidays. We now have a little stash of baby stuff going and have been doing better with saving, so I feel like we're more on track... kind of.

What I’m Looking Forward To: Still awaiting my 16 and 20 week appointments. Time is flying and I can't believe that in a little over a month, I'll be halfway through the pregnancy! I don't always do well with big changes and it was certainly a rough transition, but I'm proud of myself for acclimating as well as I have. Let's hope everything continues to go smoothly!

What I Miss The Most: The rules about food are continuing to make life difficult. There were multiple incidents this week where I had to heat up food that was a "listeria risk," and I forgot to bring a plate to work, so I had to cook it in my coffee mug. My coworker gave me a Prairie Soup Company gift card for Christmas, and as many of you know, their chicken salad sandwich is one of my favorite meals, so I couldn't resist getting one. However, chicken salad is technically on the danger list, but I was willing to heat it up, even though to most people, that's extremely gross-sounding. Heating it up didn't go overly well, between the croissant deflating and the sandwich soaking through the wax paper onto the dirty break room counter, so I think this will be one delicacy I'll wait until after BB is born to enjoy again. Sigh. 😒

Symptoms: Nausea still shows its face occasionally, especially when I'm trying to eat certain types of meat, but I can push through it for the most part. I have about a week left on the Prevacid, so we'll see where my heartburn is at after that. The biggest problem has been with my hips and thighs. I've been reassured that this is normal, but the pelvic girdle pain has started pretty early and is fairly persistent. It started after I tried exercising earlier this week and now my hip joints and inner thighs are sore when walking, pushing something with my foot, or even standing up sometimes. Next time I see my OB, I'm going to ask her if there are any stretches or exercises that would help so it doesn't get worse. Also, my bump seems to fluctuate throughout the day and my clothes keep getting a little more snug.   

Cravings: Since I crave sweets so much, I opted for getting a giant box of raisins as a semi-healthier alternative to feasting on cookies and candy. It's been working pretty well, but of course who wouldn't really want the cookie instead!? Leif and I splurged on some mild matar paneer at Taj Mahal a few days ago and it was so good! It has some tomatoes in it, so it's not the best thing for my stomach, but it was worth it that one time. Peanut butter crackers and cheesy popcorn have still remained a constant!

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