Saturday, December 30, 2017

Week 15

First off, just wanted to share a couple of Leif and I's baby pictures. Wondering who BB will look more like??

How far along:  15 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Hass avocado (4 inches)!

Milestones: Baby bear has been busy practicing breathing, bending his or her legs, and just flailing around to build strength (cue Rocky theme song). His or her bones are starting to harden meaning that movements are becoming more pronounced. Within the next couple weeks, BB may be able to hear my voice and heart beat! BB continues doubling in weight each week and might even have a little hair already (although, I was a bald baby, so that might not be in the cards).

Best Moment This Week: Feeling more little movements has been great! I feel a little twitch a few times a day, mostly after changing positions or reclining. I was having some intense pain above my belly button, so I visited the OB last Wednesday and got to hear the heart beat once again (it's in the 150s now). The pain turned out to be an umbilical hernia from the pressure of growing BB. My OB said that when you get your umbilical cord cut, there's a weakened pocket by your navel that can become herniated while pregnant. As BB gets bigger and rises above my belly button, there's a chance that my uterus will help cover the hernia gap and give me some relief. In the meantime, I just have to take it easy and try not to strain it. If it still gives me trouble after birth, I'll have to have a small operation to take care of it... On the bright side, today, I haven't had nearly as much pain, so hopefully it continues this way! 

What I’m Looking Forward To: Only a few more days until my 16 week appointment and about a month until the anatomy ultrasound! Because of my hernia, I have to limit my exercise to walking, so I'm looking forward to getting back into jogging someday since it helps a lot with my anxiety. In the meantime, I try to aim for walking 30 minutes to an hour a day if I can. I recently picked up a Bellaband which is an elastic band you slip over your regular jeans when they're unbuttoned to create instant maternity pants. Once I get it washed, I'm eager to try it out, and it's a wonderful that I can continue wearing most of the clothes I already have. 

What I Miss The Most: Still missing my beloved sushi rolls, but it's a small price to pay to keep BB safe! Also, since do the bulk of my free reading before bed, I haven't been able to complete as many books because I usually pass out a couple pages in... but I'm grateful to be able to sleep as well as I do. Having severe insomnia the first couple weeks after I found out I was pregnant was one of the most challenging parts of this whole experience, so I hope to never go back to that.

Symptoms: I've been off of Prevacid for a few days now, and the rebound acid hasn't been as bad as I expected. Being really careful about my food choices, drinking at least eight cups of water a day, taking Gaviscon at night, and propping myself up when I sleep have been enough to keep the stomach pain at bay so far. I read that by the end of the pregnancy, my uterus will be about eight inches above my naval, so I'm sure this won't be the last of the heartburn. Otherwise, besides the hernia, fatigue, and sensitive stomach, I don't have much to complain about. Once in a while, I get overwhelmed and panicky about the idea of being a mom, but I have to keep telling myself that I will do my best. 

Cravings: French toast! And... all things carbs. Yesterday, Waypoint bought everyone pizza for lunch, and despite my acid reflux, I broke down and had one slice. I scraped as much of the red sauce off as I could, and it was seriously one of the best things I've tasted in a long time. I made sure to take some antacids right afterward, so it luckily didn't cause much damage to my stomach.

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