Saturday, January 6, 2018

Week 16

How far along:  16 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Dill pickle (4.5 inches and 4 oz.)

Milestones: Baby bear continues getting stronger and more coordinated with each passing day! I can tell because I'm slowing starting to feel more little movements. Previously, I was feeling twitches in my lower left abdomen, but yesterday, I felt something more off to the right, so I think the other limbs are starting to build some density. BB's ears should now officially be developed to the point where he or she can hear, so I wonder what his or her impression of the outside world has been so far lol. I've picked up practicing guitar again lately, so I hope he or she isn't too embarrassed by my playing. Also, even though BB's eyes are still sealed shut, they can already detect light through the womb. 

Best Moment This Week: Of course, hearing BB's heart beat once again at my 16 week appointment! It was 147 BPM this time, which is the lowest it's been so far. My OB said it's totally normal and expected for the heart rate to keep going down, and 147 BPM is within the perfect range. She also showed me where I can feel the ridge of my uterus right below my belly button which was pretty surreal. I'm measuring normal and everything looks great so far! Additionally, I found a great deal on these little onesies with baby bears on them and shoes to match, which were fun to shop for. 

What I’m Looking Forward To: I'm counting down the days until the 20 week ultrasound. I keep looking at my 8 week ultrasound to connect with BB, but I know he or she will look so much different at 20 weeks! With the way ultrasound technology is now, you can usually see quite a bit of detail, so it will be exciting to get a sneak preview of BB's appearance. I'm a little nervous, but hoping for the best.

What I Miss The Most: I miss being able to sleep more comfortably. Luckily, my OB gave me clearance to sleep on my stomach as long as I'm able to, but I'm still supposed to avoid being on my back. I wake up 1-3 times a night and am usually parched. In the past, I tried avoiding eating or drinking in the middle of the night since it triggers my acid reflux, but my OB recently urged me against that and said it's more important to stay hydrated. I drink plenty of water during the day, but hopefully the weeks of getting thirsty at night didn't have a negative impact.

Symptoms: Happy to report that I haven't had many symptoms this week. Of course, I still have heartburn, but that's a chronic issue anyway. Thankfully, I haven't had any pain from the umbilical hernia since last week, so it's one less thing to worry about for now. The fatigue has dissipated for the most part and I've actually seen an influx of energy. Last weekend, when the weather was really bad, I spend a couple hours deep cleaning and organizing our bedroom to make more space for BB's things. Granted, I was pretty wiped out when I was done, but it was the most productive I've been in a long time. Still have occasional nausea and guzzle down a lot of fluids during the day. I can't usually go more than an hour or so without getting dehydrated, which makes sense because I read that as much as one cup of water is diverted to BB each hour! People are starting to notice my belly more and it's been a more consistent size (it had been fluctuating before... probably from bloating).

Cravings: Water? lol Gyros, hummus and pita chips, green veggies, french toast, pecan rolls from Target, and pretty much any type of sweet treat is acceptable to BB. Oh, and I noticed that BB started moving a lot when I ate some spinach and artichoke pizza... so I think he or she likes it too?

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