Saturday, January 27, 2018

Week 19

How far along:  19 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Zesty zucchini (6 inches, 8.5 ounces)

Milestones: BB's development is moving right along! His or her legs are almost proportionate to his or her body and BB is starting become covered in a waxy coating called vernix caseosa, which keeps his or her skin moist and will assist him or her with gliding down the birth canal when the time comes. 😲 BB's lips are developed and he or she is sprouting little hairs on his or her head! By the time I write my next blog post, I won't have to use "he/she, him/her, or hers/his" anymore... that is, unless he or she is being modest during the ultrasound and they can't tell the sex!

Best Moment This Week: Harder, more pronounced kicks that are all over my belly, and knowing I only have a little while longer to go until the big ultrasound! It's kind of nerve-wracking, but hopefully everything looks good. I can tell Leif is getting excited too since he has been rubbing my belly and talking to BB a lot more, so it will be great to have a better visual of what's going on inside my bump. My coworker said that it's pretty normal nowadays for the OB to use 3D ultrasound technology, so we may be able to see a really detailed image if that's the case. 

What I’m Looking Forward To: You guessed it... the ultrasound! Also looking forward to feeling movements more regularly. Right now, BB has a pretty consistent schedule of kicking for little periods of time in the morning when I get to work, around lunchtime, the later afternoon, and before going to bed.

What I Miss The Most: Food safety has become a little bit of a stressor again. Last Friday, I ordered a "super" mango turmeric smoothie with a bunch of healthy additives from a coffee shop. It was tasty and I didn't think much of it until I got home... then I started wondering if large doses of turmeric are okay since some spices are dangerous, and it turned out that turmeric is a big no-no because it can cause uterine contractions and bleeding. I freaked out since I had a fairly potent dose and there was pepper in the smoothie too which apparently boosts its bioavailabilty by 2000%. I called my OB and she said it would be fine, but to not do it again since that much turmeric is equivalent to taking a supplement which is highly discouraged. I'm used to eating quirky foods, but I think I need to keep my diet as mainstream as I can so I don't keep putting myself through this! 

Symptoms: This week's new weird symptom is back pain. I don't have a very good back and the pregnancy is putting a lot of strain on it. I keep getting a stabbing pain right in the middle of my spine at the bend and sometimes it radiates off to the side. My doctor said it sounds muscular and should resolve itself soon. It's been getting a little better every day, but I doubt this will be the last of it. However, it has caused me to reevaluate my posture, shoes, sleeping position, and anything else that might be contributing to the pain. These changes seem to help helping.

Cravings: Sweets! Last night, all I wanted was an apple pie, which is funny because I don't normally like it that much. We splurged a little and got one from the New Pioneer Co-op and it was AMAZING. I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of it tonight. Been eating more baked goods, but trying to do so in moderation. I usually strive to balance out the junk food with veggies and protein, but some days that's easier than others. As always, just doing my best!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Week 18

How far along:  18 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Sweet potato (5.5 inches, 7 ounces)

Milestones: Baby Bear's nervous system and facial features are developing and he or she is starting to kick up a storm! Throughout the day, I experience flurries of movements, some of which I manage to catch with my hand! With the nervous system developing, it's key to get enough healthy fats to help the process along. Luckily, my oatmeal and other foods I eat are fortified with omegas and my multivitamin has algae-sourced DHA, so I don't really have to think about adding extra foods to my diet.

Best Moment This Week: Again, the increased movement has been magical! Little Baby Bear is actually fluttering along right now as I type, maybe he or she knows I'm thinking about him or her! It's been pretty interesting feeling the kicks rotate around my lower abdomen. A lot of the time, the movement is in the center or off to the left, but once in a while, I'll feel a jab on the right. The other day before work, Leif said "Hope Baby Bear gets lots of exercise today!" At this rate, it seems like he or she will come out an Olympic swimmer lol. I also signed up for most of my prenatal classes, including ones about birth, breastfeeding, baby basics, and a tour of St.Luke's Labor and Delivery Center. These will be in March and April. There are some others like car seat safety, CPR, and "happiest baby" that I plan on taking too.

What I’m Looking Forward To: The countdown continues until the big ultrasound! Only 12 more days to go! The other night I had a vivid dream that I was having a boy... but I guess we'll see. ☺ Also looking forward to feeling more kicks. Leif was able to catch a couple movements last weekend, so that was really exciting too.

What I Miss The Most: I feel like every week a new quirky symptom pops up for me, so that wears on me a little bit. This week, my left ear kept popping and it would turn into this obnoxious whooshing sound, almost like I'm breathing through my ear and all other sounds are amplified. It had happened once or twice before over the last few months, but never to the extent it did throughout this week. It gets better after laying down or putting my head between my knees, but that's not useful while at work. After a little research, it sounds like Patulous Eustachian Tube which pregnancy is a risk factor for. It's been better today, and it doesn't sound like doctors can do too much for it anyway, so I plan on just mentioning it at my next appointment if it doesn't get a lot worse.

Symptoms: My stomach has been in much better shape this week, so I'm grateful for that and hope it lasts for a while. Dry skin, especially on my hands, has become more pronounced, but I think that's mostly due to washing my hands more excessively to avoid getting sick. Work got pretty stressful this week, and I was feeling panicky for a while one evening, but luckily I was able to bounce back by the next day. Besides the ear trouble, I haven't really had many other symptoms, so it's been a relatively quiet week.

Cravings: I just had the tastiest bean, ham, and turkey soup at Greyhound Deli... it had a little kick to it, but I think it was worth it. I keep wanting cheesecake, but that's one of those cravings I'll probably want to deal with in moderation haha. Still eating cheesy popcorn and making sure I incorporate healthy snacks like almonds, apples, bananas, and yogurt.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Week 17 & Gender Prediction

How far along:  17 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Tangy pomegranate (5 inches)

Milestones: Baby Bear's coordination continues to progress and he or she can yawn, swallow, and even suck his or her thumb! It's the cutest vision picturing little BB yawning. 😍 The umbilical chord is getting stronger and better at delivering nutrients to BB, so I've been working harder on eating foods with a nutritional punch (... well, aside from the family-size bag of chips I ate in two days this week...). BB's bones are hardening and his or her sense of sight, smell, sound, and touch are coming along.

Best Moment This Week: Usually when there's movement, I try to feel it from the outside, but BB tends to get stage fright when I put my hand on my belly... it's a little game we've been playing. However, earlier this week, I managed to catch one little flicking feeling, so I think I officially felt the first kick with my hand! Leif has a habit of resting his hand on my belly for a minute or two, hoping he will feel something himself, but I know it will probably be a few weeks before it's consistent enough for that. 

What I’m Looking Forward To: Only 18 days until I get to see BB again at the ultrasound! Leif didn't attend the eight week ultrasound, so I'm really looking forward to experiencing this one together. I've watched a few Youtube videos of 20 week ultrasounds, and it's amazing how fully developed the baby looks.

What I Miss The Most: Leif and I have been spending a lot of time evaluating our budget, finding ways to save money, and all kinds of overall planning. It's been a bit of a stressor for both of us, but I keep telling myself that all parents find a way to make it work. The biggest thing has been doing our best to support one another as we make this major transition together.

Symptoms: Still having some stomach pain and acid reflux, but as usual, I'm doing most everything I can to reduce my symptoms. My coworker gave me a giant tub full of her old maternity clothes, and I'm so grateful to be more comfortable and wear clothes more tailored to my growing belly. The pants are amazing - not only are they stretchy, but they have nylon-like waist bands that are buttery soft. I don't think I'll ever want to go back to wearing regular pants, even after BB is born lol. With the way my stomach is growing and jeans are cut, I don't think I'll be able to use the Bellaband after all, so I retired all of my old pants for now.

Cravings: Still drinking a lot of water and pushing myself to consume more foods and beverages with calcium. I don't eat much dairy since it can be hard on my stomach, so that means drinking chickpea milk, almond milk, a little yogurt, and certain types of cheese when I can. As I mentioned earlier, I've been eating chips (specifically Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips), sesame chicken, apples, bananas, and fruity Tootsie Rolls.

With the 20 week ultrasound coming up, I thought it would be fun to test out some "old wives' tale" gender predictors before I find out for real!

1. Heart rate: Over 140 means you’re having a girl and below 140 means a boy!

Prediction Outcome: GIRL

2. Acne: More acne indicates a girl, less acne means a little boy.

Prediction Outcome: GIRL

3. Weight Gain: Mostly gaining around the belly means a boy, and gaining all over indicates a girl.

Prediction Outcome: BOY

4. Chinese Gender Chart: Compares your age of conception with month you conceived in.

Prediction Outcome: BOY

5. Morning Sickness: A smooth pregnancy indicates a boy, while more nausea and sickness means a girl.

Prediction Outcome: GIRL

6. Pregnancy Glow: A bright complexion with beautiful hair indicates a boy, a normal or dull complexion means a girl.

Prediction Outcome: GIRL 

7. Cravings: Salty cravings means a boy, and more sweet cravings means a girl.

Prediction Outcome: GIRL

8. Mama’s Intuition: 70% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she’s having.

Prediction Outcome: GIRL?

9. Hands: Soft and warm mean a girl, dry and cold indicate a boy.

Prediction Outcome: BOY

10. Foot Growth: If your feet stay the same size, it's a girl, if they're swollen, it's a boy.

Prediction Outcome: GIRL

FINAL RESULTS – – – – – – – –  BOY: 3 / GIRL: 7

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Week 16

How far along:  16 weeks – began September 11, 2017.

Size of Baby: Dill pickle (4.5 inches and 4 oz.)

Milestones: Baby bear continues getting stronger and more coordinated with each passing day! I can tell because I'm slowing starting to feel more little movements. Previously, I was feeling twitches in my lower left abdomen, but yesterday, I felt something more off to the right, so I think the other limbs are starting to build some density. BB's ears should now officially be developed to the point where he or she can hear, so I wonder what his or her impression of the outside world has been so far lol. I've picked up practicing guitar again lately, so I hope he or she isn't too embarrassed by my playing. Also, even though BB's eyes are still sealed shut, they can already detect light through the womb. 

Best Moment This Week: Of course, hearing BB's heart beat once again at my 16 week appointment! It was 147 BPM this time, which is the lowest it's been so far. My OB said it's totally normal and expected for the heart rate to keep going down, and 147 BPM is within the perfect range. She also showed me where I can feel the ridge of my uterus right below my belly button which was pretty surreal. I'm measuring normal and everything looks great so far! Additionally, I found a great deal on these little onesies with baby bears on them and shoes to match, which were fun to shop for. 

What I’m Looking Forward To: I'm counting down the days until the 20 week ultrasound. I keep looking at my 8 week ultrasound to connect with BB, but I know he or she will look so much different at 20 weeks! With the way ultrasound technology is now, you can usually see quite a bit of detail, so it will be exciting to get a sneak preview of BB's appearance. I'm a little nervous, but hoping for the best.

What I Miss The Most: I miss being able to sleep more comfortably. Luckily, my OB gave me clearance to sleep on my stomach as long as I'm able to, but I'm still supposed to avoid being on my back. I wake up 1-3 times a night and am usually parched. In the past, I tried avoiding eating or drinking in the middle of the night since it triggers my acid reflux, but my OB recently urged me against that and said it's more important to stay hydrated. I drink plenty of water during the day, but hopefully the weeks of getting thirsty at night didn't have a negative impact.

Symptoms: Happy to report that I haven't had many symptoms this week. Of course, I still have heartburn, but that's a chronic issue anyway. Thankfully, I haven't had any pain from the umbilical hernia since last week, so it's one less thing to worry about for now. The fatigue has dissipated for the most part and I've actually seen an influx of energy. Last weekend, when the weather was really bad, I spend a couple hours deep cleaning and organizing our bedroom to make more space for BB's things. Granted, I was pretty wiped out when I was done, but it was the most productive I've been in a long time. Still have occasional nausea and guzzle down a lot of fluids during the day. I can't usually go more than an hour or so without getting dehydrated, which makes sense because I read that as much as one cup of water is diverted to BB each hour! People are starting to notice my belly more and it's been a more consistent size (it had been fluctuating before... probably from bloating).

Cravings: Water? lol Gyros, hummus and pita chips, green veggies, french toast, pecan rolls from Target, and pretty much any type of sweet treat is acceptable to BB. Oh, and I noticed that BB started moving a lot when I ate some spinach and artichoke pizza... so I think he or she likes it too?